This article on antecedent example seeks to help you distinguish between pronouns and antecedents clearly. The following examples of antecedent can help you develop a clear picture of antecedents.

Antecedent Examples

There are certain sets of rules in grammar that you have to follow in order to ensure right usage of the language. Antecedents, with which you might be quite familiar, assist you in framing sentences on your own. Antecedents can be understood as words, phrases or even clauses that have been substituted with pronouns. In a sentence, pronouns are used to avoid the repetitive usage of the subject and in order to make the sentence simpler and presentable. This article helps you develop a clear understanding of the manner in which antecedents are clearly distinguished from pronouns. After going through the article, work out unsolved exercises of antecedents and make sure you get you basics clear and firm. Antecedents are concepts that are simple to absorb and rather easy to use, with ample practice. Usually, negative scenarios arise due to the miss-match of the pronouns and the antecedents. This article is presented in a simple way for the readers to grab the ideas and technique quickly.

Examples Of Antecedent

A pronoun substitutes a noun in a sentence. It either refers to a person, a thing, a place, a feeling or any other quality apart from its name. This is made clear by stating an example in which the pronoun is highlighted. For example: "Elisa left the coat on the table. It was missing the next day." Here, the word "it" stands for the coat.

A pronoun, while substituting its noun, has to cater to the antecedent by keeping intact the following entities.
Example 1

Sentence 1.1: If a person wants to win over your opponent in chess, you have to know the tactics of the game.

Sentence 1.2: If you want to win over your opponent in chess, they have to know the tactics of the game.

Sentence 1.3: If you want to win over your opponent in chess, she has to know the tactics of the game.

Correct Sentence: If you want to win over your opponent in chess, you have to know the tactics of the game.

Example 2

Sentence 2.1: Mary could cook delicious food for his children.

Sentence 2.2: Mary could cook delicious food for its children.

Sentence 2.3: Mary could cook delicious food for one's children.

Correct Sentence: Mary could cook delicious food for her children.

Example 3

Sentence 3.1: The leaders of the group asked its group members to disperse.
Sentence 3.2: The leaders of the group asked her group members to disperse.
Sentence 3.3: The leaders of the group asked your group members to disperse.
Correct Sentence: The leaders of the group asked their group members to disperse.

Some Other Examples
It is quite simple to analyze the relationship of pronouns and antecedents in a sentence, be it a simple sentence or a complex one. Hope this article has helped you understand the concept quite clearly and has also provided you with enough examples so that you feel confident of doing related exercises on your own. With regular practice, you can drive away the problems you face while distinguishing pronouns and antecedents. Though pronouns and antecedents are easy to identify and use, they can be quite tricky in long sentences. The idea is to keep it simple and never lose track of the object that you are referring to. Well, no one said English was uncomplicated!