An anastrophe is a figure of speech. If you want to know more about the examples of anastrophe then read the following article.

Anastrophe Examples

After reading any of Shakespeare's works, have you ever felt like his words are being mixed up? Yes, this is the use of the figure of speech called anastrophe. Derived from the Greek word, anastrophe means 'turning back or about'. It can be defined as the reversal of the normal word order in a sentence, for emphasis. Usually, an anastrophe is synonymous to a hyperbaton, which is inversion in the occurrence of terms or it could be the addition of words to a sentence that is already complete. But unlike a hyperbaton, an anastrophe typically changes the place of a single word only. Juxtaposition of words and phrases in this figure of speech can sometimes be a little attention-worthy as it causes confusion while the reader is trying to figure out its meaning. A simple example of an anastrophe can be quoted from the play 'Comedy of Errors', where Adriana says: 'Why should their liberty than ours be more?' Its usage is common in poetry, drama and classical literature written in English, Greek and Latin. Apart from William Shakespeare, some of the most famous users of anastrophe were Gerard Manely Hopkins, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Lewis Carroll and Coleridge and so on.

Examples of Anastrophe

Anastrophe in Literature
Anastrophe in Films
Therefore, anastrophe is a common and popular figure of speech that lays emphasis on a particular phrase, sentence, subject, person or event. Although it might not always be necessary, in poetry, it can be added for an effect such as rhyming or versification. Given above are some of the examples of anastrophe that are sure to make a more lively conversation or written piece of work. Use well, this figure of speech!