
Figures of Speech IloveIndia
An adjunct is a dispensable part of a sentence that mainly works as a modifier. Explore the examples of adjunctions to get a deeper insight into what this figure of speech stands for.

Adjunction Examples

Just like we add spice to our meals to make them taste better, adjuncts are used in sentences to amp up their meaning and make them more luculent. Adjunctions are fun to play with and can be a single word, a phrase or a clause. Adjuncts have adverbial functions and are used to describe time, place or location - modicative, casual, instrumental or conditional. Adjunctions are extra nuclear - they are added or joined to a well-phrased sentence to enhance its meaning. But then, it would not make much of a difference to a sentence, if removed. Adjunctions are more or less like the saucing on the food, which is used for extra flavor and adds to the look of the food. However, you cannot add adjunct as you wish; it has to be positioned rightly to make the statement look unambiguous. In simple terms, adjuncts can be best described as the use of grammar that gives you the answers to - why, where, how and when. Explore the adjunction examples listed below for a clearer understanding of this important figure of speech.

Examples Of Adjunctions
Adjunction is the noun form of the word adjunct and is derived from the Latin word 'adiunctus', which means 'to join to'. Adjunction, as a grammar tool, is a construction of words, which can be used for extending the meaning of the phrase, but is not an important part of it. Compliments make you feel positive. Similarly, adjunctions give complimentary terms to the phrases. Adjunctions, in other words can be called as additions or accessions. Add your own adjectives and verbs and make adjunctions and education fun.